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Would You Like Your Team to Achieve 1000 Days of No Lost Time Injuries?

Keynote speaker Craig Ball, delivers engaging and empowering presentations and workshops that organisations claim impact them for years into the future. Click on the video to hear some of his clients testimonials.

In times of unrelenting change, organisations that thrive are those that take a flexible approach to the challenges they face.

That's why Craig's Programs are tailored to help leaders to:

  • Lead Through Change

  • Address workplace conflict

  • Build Mental Health and Empower a Resilient Workforce

  • The Value of the Seminar Was Immersurable!

    ...the professionalism, structure and content of the seminar were fantastic...'

    MD, String and 2 Cans PR

    Craig Was Truly Able to Connect...!

    '... Even some of the seasoned professionals felt that they achieved their personal goals and plan to leverage the new tools which Craig provided'


    Can do attitude!

    '...The feedback from all has been most positive and has helped in our constant drive to raise the benchmark of excellence in everything we do.'

    Group Director Marketing and Sales, Stanford Hotels and Resorts

    Tailored to your needs

    'It was interesting, well adapted and tailored to what was important to them...'

    Director, McWilliam Group


    Let's work together to make your event a success

    Contact Craig's team today to see how he can customise a solution to accomplish all of your meeting objectives

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