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Leaders: Help Your Team Reclaim Their Power 

Be empowered to help your team become unstoppable overcoming any challege and build a mentally healthy work environment at the same time.

Inspiring a mentally healthy workplace in today's fast paced environment is more important than ever. Employees are looking for employers that take their mental health seriously. As a leader this poses an increasing challenge but one that is well within your reach.

Craig has been sharing his message with audiences for over 20 years with one blue-collar team claiming his program helped them to achieve over 1000 days of no lost time injuries. Results as significant as this are possible for your work team too.

Craig's book Reclaim Your Power, featured below, expands on the concepts covered in this keynote and works as a text book for leaders to achieve a mentally heatlhy, resilient and empwered team, yet is written in an easy to digest  conversational tone.

Remember to enqure with Craig about getting copies of his book to help continue your teams journey to becoming more resilient.

The never ending churn of constant change and disruption in today's workplace, have shaken the foundation of nearly every industry and life. Your employees are no different.

Craig's program has not only helped to shape the mental health and wellbeing of the many organisations that he has worked with but also helped leaders to gain an unfair advantage over their challenges being better able to respond to challenges in a flexible way.

Craig's Presentation will help leaders to:

  • Learn how to give their team a simple yet powerful system for addressing emotional upset and stress

  • Help their team to make philosophical shifts in how they view what triggers then and how they deal with it

  • Increase their teams capacity for happiness by being able to accept themselves, each other and life unconditionally

  • Be able to support their team, who will inturn be able to help one another through challenging times in new ways

  • Click here to make an enquiry

    Reclaim Your Power Today!

    Get Your Copy of Craig's Transformative New Book.

    In Reclaim Your Power, Craig reveals his simple and easy to use techniques that can have a dramatic impact on your happiness and quality of life.

    'Great book gents. If you have not read it yet you are missing out on quality tools to be happier and more focused.'

    Jarrod Papandrea

    Availble as a text to support you empowering your people to become more resilient, and capable of working more effectively in what has become the 'new normal'.

  • Let's work together to make your event a success

    Contact Craig's team today to see how he can customise a solution to accomplish all of your meeting objectives

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