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Virtual Experiences

With teams working remotely and the need to bring them together in the virtual space more important than ever. It's a constant challenge to ensure you are engaging with your people.

Be it a virtual presentation, live webinar or a round table live stream discussion, its important that you are able to hit the right note or the opportunity can be lost.

Click below for a short clip of Craig's virtual presentation.

How are you responding to today's changing work space and the inherent uncertainty?

These are Problems that Craig Helps Solve

  • How to become and maintain resilience in challenging times 

  • How to maintain optimism in the face of negativity

  • How to work together as a team remotely and in person

  • How to maintain productivity whilst working remotely

  • How to deal with work place change and fatigue

  • If your team is experiencing these problems, Craig can help.

    Bringing teams together despite distance and location

      The virtual space brings with it a unique opportunity. Every aspect of engagement needs to be on point and able to cut through the noise of whatever is competing for your teams attention. Craig achieves this through his interactive sense of humour and easygoing nature to deliver a presentation in a culturally safe manner, to assist your to achieve your objectives.

    Not just a talking head or webinar

      In addition to a virtual workshop or keynote experience, Craig can also serve as part of a panel discussion or podcast interview to delve deeper into some of the subject he covers and potentially give your team more insight into the challenges they face.

      His programs can also increase their effectiveness through his online mentoring programs that can deliver benefit by embedding learning and assisting teams to be able to implement their learnings and make new habits stick, ensure ongoing success.

    Virtual experiences are created in collaboration with you

      Working with you to ensure company values, key messages or new habits become business as usual to drive success is central to Craig's approach and method of delivery. All of his programs and trainings can be optimised to meet your needs and objectives.

      From developing a values based team charter that your team owns and regulates to a presentation skills session with follow up mentoring to ensure your leaders are inspiring staff to achieve the mission can all be delivered in a way that is supportive and empowering to your organisation.

    Book a free brainstorming session with Craig

    The Value of the Seminar Was Immesurable!

    ...the professionalism, structure and content of the seminar were fantastic. Craig utilises his own experiences and insights, helping people using the information he provides for their own use!'

    MD, String and 2 Cans PR

    Craig Was Truly Able to Connect With the Team!

    '...by providing a diverse perspective and insight - both personal and practical - to the challenges we were facing. Even some of the seasoned professionals felt that they achieved their personal goals and plan to leverage the new tools which Craig provided'


    Can do attitude!

    '...The feedback from all has been most positive and has helped in our constant drive to raise the benchmark of excellence in everything we do. Many have commented that a sense of perspective coupled with a confident 'can do' attitude is more apparent now as we face the opportunities that lie ahead.'

    Group Director Marketing and Sales, Stanford Hotels and Resorts

    Tailored to your needs

    Our candidates thoroughly enjoyed your presentation. It was interesting, well adapted and tailored to what was important to them. In particular, your pre presentation research in speaking to attendees of the session ensured that the session ensured that the concerns and common issues were covered.

    Director, McWilliam Group


    Virtual Experiences are an ideal solution for remote teams.

    Whether your team is working entirely from home or a combination of in office and remote. A virtual experience may be the ideal solution to bring everyone together and keep them engaged. Craig uses a studio with OBS broadcasting technology to deliver virtually with greater impact than simply using skype alone.

    Craig's highly interactive and thought provoking experiences can help your team with these takeaways:

  • How to achieve and maintain resilience in ambiguity  

  • How to manage and prepare themsselves for change

  • How to manage workplace conflict in the virtual world

  • Live streams and panel discussions

    As the need grows to engage remote teams alternative and complimentary approaches to presentations are becoming a popular option. Engage Craig to lead the discussion or participate 

    Speak with Craig about your specific needs

    Talk to Craig about a virtual experience for your team.

    Let's brainstorm what a personalised virtual meeting or workshop could look like for your team. Simply fill out the form or call

    (+61) 1800 413 654

    Want to stay in touch?

    Get Craig's FREE monthly 'You Are Enough' Newsletter direct to your inbox. 

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